Tuesday, November 15, 2011

A Day in the Life of a Student Practical Nurse

So today was a pretty good day.  I did the first day of my two day clinical rotation at a small rural hospital about an hour from here.  I wasn't actually in the hospital, I was in the Specialty Clinic.  I had a great time, learned lots of neat stuff and met some very special people.  Unfortunately, because of privacy policies and such (I would want the same respect) I can't tell you anything general or specific.

Is this not the coolest looking badge ever???  I especially like the "N" word... Yep, Nurse!!  That's me!  I can't wait...  I am having a hard time trying to decide if I want to continue on with my education and get my degree as an RN or stick with my LPN and start working.  Part of me really wants to make my mark, strike out on my own, and start my career, but then the "smart" part of my brain (and everyone I've talked to) says to stay in school and keep going.  I'm SO torn.  I still have until June 2012 to make a decision.  If you don't know what that date is I will enlighten you, it's the light at the end of my tunnel...  GRADUATION!!!

So off to jump in the shower and get ready for my second day... until next time...  sweet dreams!!


  1. Congrats on starting nursing school. I graduated just about 5yrs ago. It was the longest 2 yrs. of my life. Wish you the best!!

  2. Thanks Shannon! I am happy to be half-way through. It's been a long hard road!


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